Youth Groups

Youth Ministries

Ignite Youth

Our Ignite Youth are a vibrant part of our congregation! They sing in the Next Generation Choir, participate in weekly Bible learning and discussion, as well as serve in various capacities. Ignite Youth serves as Ushers each month and takes a leadership role in the Children’s Church Activities Leadership Team during the summer.

Please get in touch with Kathy Griffith ( for more information.


Each year, our 6th to 9th graders begin their Confirmation journey. From January through May, Confirmands learn what it means to follow Jesus. They spend time in scripture and prayer, learning about the Bible, prayer, service, sacraments, and what it means to be United Methodist. Confirmands also attend MidWinter Camp where they enjoy a time of fellowship and learning with other youth.

Please get in touch with Kathy Griffith ( for more information.

Confirmation 2024