Hamilton Park UMC

2020 Backpack Blessings

For our third annual Backpack Blessings, instead of folks gathering side-by-side in the chapel, supplies were picked up and assembled in the homes of church volunteers. We distributed 270 backpacks, filled with school supplies, tooth brushes and tooth paste. The most important thing in each backpack was a prayer letter, encouraging the students and educators. The event supported the children of our community and the Pacesetter School. 25 volunteers and donors took part in this year’s event. Outside sponsors were Walmart, SGR, and Texas A&M School of Dentistry.

2019 Parents Night Out and Youth Christmas Party

Here are a few pictures from Parents Night Out and the Youth Christmas Party at PINSTACK. The Parents Night Out was held at the church on Saturday for elementary children. The Youth Christmas Party was at PINSTACK on Sunday afternoon. It was a lot of fun and everyone had a blast! THANK YOU to all of the children/youth staff, volunteers and parents!

2019 Fall Festival and Health Fair

Our Mission Statement is “Save Just One.”

This year’s Health Fair serviced over 100 people from the community with flu shots, cholesterol screenings, blood pressure checks, and mammograms.

Our vendors were very pleased with the event and committed to returning next year.


JOYLAND Nursery provides loving care, while guiding infants and toddlers to learn about God through Bible Conversation and teachable moments.

2019 Backpack Blessings

Each child receiving a backpack was told he or she was a Blessing and received an invitation to come back for Children’s Church. There were hundreds of free backpacks with school supplies! Thank you to the donors who contributed supplies, haircuts, food pantry, manicures, socks, face painting, books, hair accessories, and toiletries. There were an estimated 40 volunteers from The Park, where every ministry worked together for a memorable evening for our community. Local restaurants Canes, Whataburger, and Jason’s Deli contributed delicious beverages, food, and snacks for the event and everyone left with a smile.

2018 Backpack Blessings

We had over 400 attendees who received backpacks, school supplies, food, toiletries and haircuts. We had children from 30 different schools attending and had 30 corporate and individual sponsors, including local restaurants and businesses.

Each backpack contained a Prayer Card and was “prayed over” by our Prayer Team and pastors. This year’s event is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2019.

2018 Easter Egg Hunt