Mental Health Resources

ChurchNews & Events

mental health

In Collin County, the Mental Health Provider is LifePath. Tarrant County offers services through Tarrant County MHMR.

Below is a brief list of resources for mental health support. Should you have additional resources you would like to distribute, please email

North Texas Behavioral Health Authority COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line

This dedicated line will provide relief to our traditional crisis line while providing the necessary sup-port within our community as we work through this specific crisis. The NTBHA COVID-19 Mental Health Support line can be reached at, 833-251-7544. Individuals who contact the COVID-19 sup-port line needing a higher level of care will be transferred directly to our traditional 24/7 NTBHA cri-sis line at, 866-260-8000. Servicing Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro and Rockwall Counties.

Metrocare Coronavirus Support Line

Our clinics remain open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We strongly encourage you to access our telehealth services, if possible. If you are in need of our mental health services, please call our Coronavirus Support Line at 214-743-1215.

Grant Halliburton Foundation

Mental Health Navigation Line. Feel free to refer students, parents, and community members if they are in search of mental health resources. Virtual client cases available. The Navigation Line number is 972-525-8181 and open Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Mental Health American of Greater Dallas

Holman Family Services

HFS will waive the copay of our current clients who are temporarily laid-off because of the pandem-ic. Please inform your therapist of your need. And, for new clients who do not have health coverage we are offering 3 sessions of FREE therapy. New Clients please call our intake line at 972-375-1200.

Texas Health and Human Services Mental Health Crisis Services

Domestic Violence Survivor Resources

Futures Without Violence

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Veteran’s Resources During the COVID-19 Crisis

We encourage you to visit each section of the website to familiarize yourself with our mission and program planning. As an organization of psychologists, clinicians, researchers, educators, social service providers, community leaders, advocates, students, and more…we invite you to engage with us through service, education, and networking.

Sunshine Behavioral Health

SENIORHOUSINGNET – (Assisted Living in Dallas, TX)

We are an organization committed to addressing psychological, social, and economic concerns that affect mental health wellness with an emphasis on the Black community and marginalized groups.