Bishop McKee: New Season of Ministry

ChurchNews & Events

Bishop Michael McKee
Bishop McKee letterhead

June 28, 2021

Dear NTC Clergy,

Pastors in the North Texas Conference begin a new season of ministry this Sunday, July 4. Some pastors begin in a new place for ministry and meet their congregation for the first time. Most pastors begin another year of ministry with the congregation they have been serving for one year or two years or more. I hold all of you in my prayers on this first Sunday of a new year in ministry for you and the people of the North Texas Conference.

The mission of The United Methodist Church is known by all of us: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Within the bounds of the North Texas Conference, there are persons who have no faith community in which they can understand and claim the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Their human hurts and hopes go unmet. I trust that you and your congregation’s witness provides hope and meaning for them. Thank you for your faithfulness.

The new conference year is also a good time to remember that we serve the churches to which we are appointed—not ones we may have previously served. Please inform your successor of any pastoral concerns of which you become aware and encourage persons to contact the current pastor. The building of this trust strengthens the covenant of clergy in the NTC.

You and the congregation you serve are the stewards of the North Texas Conference’s witness in the community. As United Methodists, we have the unique story of God’s grave revealed in Jesus Christ to share. The story of Jesus transforms lives and communities, and my prayer is that the community where you serve will be healthier because of your ministry and the church you serve.

May you have a blessed year.

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