Our Frontline COVID-19 Ministry
The Park has been on the frontline ministry of COVID-19 since it struck in March. When COVID-19 struck, we closed the building of the church, but opened the doors to frontline ministry. Once “Shelter in place” was ordered, thousands of people were jobless. The Park jumped into action by serving hot meals “grab and go style,” five days a week. The sheltered, unsheathed, young and aged came by for food.
Together We Test
The Park is a part of “Together We Test”, the genius program of Rev. Ritchie Butler, who created “Project Unity.” As a part of “Together We Test”, The Park joins St. Luke UMC, Friendship West Baptist, Cochran Chapel UMC and Disciple Central in offering testing to our communities.”
We provide free COVID-19 testing to our community. We recognize the importance of bringing health care to the community. There is historical mistrust within the African American community for the medical world due to horrific abuse. The church is trusted, and it is our honor to provide testing.