Get Your Random Act of Kindness Card!

ChurchNews & Events

Random Acts of Kindness

Do you have your RANDOM ACT OF KINDESS CARD yet?

All month long we are showing love at The Park.

A random act of kindness or RAoK is a selfless act performed by kind people to either help or cheer up a random stranger, for no reason other than to make people happier. Either spontaneous or planned in advance, RAoKs are encouraged at The Park this month!

Please get a RAoK card, show someone within the church an act of kindness, and give them your card. It is now their turn to show kindness at our church.

Six examples of random acts of kindness:

  • Give an honest compliment
  • Thank someone who you appreciate
  • Be a good listener
  • Offer your help to someone
  • Send Valentine’s Day Cards
  • Treat someone to a coffee or tea